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Contains the .sudo command, as well as some other commands used to maintain the bot instance.


Allows a specific user to execute any command even without having the necessary permission level by temporarily granting the user the highest permission level (similar to the sudo command on Linux).

.sudo <command>


Argument Required Description
command The command to execute with owner privileges


To use this command your user ID has to match the value of the OWNER_ID environment variable. If this environment variable is not set, the Sudo cog is disabled.


If you have run a command without having the required permission level, you can use .sudo !! to rerun this command with owner privileges.

Maintenance Commands


These commands do not necessarily have to be executed with the .sudo command. Theoretically, the required permission levels can be changed to any other permission level, so that users who are not allowed to execute the .sudo command can also use these maintenance commands. However, it is recommended to only allow trusted users to use these commands.


Clears the redis cache by executing the FLUSHDB command.


Required Permissions:

  • sudo.clear_cache


Reloads the bot by refiring all startup functions.


Required Permissions:

  • sudo.reload


Stops the running bot instance gracefully.


Required Permissions:

  • sudo.stop


Kills the running bot instance.


Required Permissions:

  • sudo.kill