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Contains a system for self-assignable roles (further referred to as topics).

? (list topics)

Lists all available topics.


+ (assign topics)

Assigns the user the specified topics.

.+ <topics>


Argument Required Description
topics One or more topics (separated by , or ;)

- (unassign topics)

Unassigns the user the specified topics.

.- <topics>


Argument Required Description
topics One or more topics (separated by , or ;)


You can use .- * to remove all topics at once.

* (register topics)

Adds new topics to the list of available topics. For each topic a new role will be created if there is no role with the same name yet (case insensitive).

.* <topics>


Argument Required Description
topics One or more topics (separated by , or ;)

Required Permissions:

  • betheprofessional.manage

/ (delete topics)

Removes topics from the list of available topics and deletes the associated roles.

./ <topics>


Argument Required Description
topics One or more topics (separated by , or ;)

Required Permissions:

  • betheprofessional.manage

% (unregister topics)

Unregisters topics without deleting the associated roles.

.% <topics>


Argument Required Description
topics One or more topics (separated by , or ;)

Required Permissions:

  • betheprofessional.manage